You know how one thing leads to another? Well, so it was today. We awoke to a glorious pile of snow, and the holiday feel just snowballed from there (I know, I know...). Like I've said before, there are certain things that just have to happen to jump-start the holidays. Like when our great Canadian coffee franchise comes out with their holiday cup (a large black, one sugar please):
Speaking of hot drinks, Sophie ordered up her favourite: hot chocolate with a candy cane.

Note, my snowflake mug that I brought up from one of the many bins I rifled through on Friday as I prepare myself to decorate next week. This week was all about
cleaning... Speaking of cleaning, today was good for a little more
pre-holiday-decorating this case, it was Sophie's Barbie house that was in question. Apparently, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree: she suggested that we give Barbie a Christmas Tree! You
know I was all over that!!

Speaking of Sophie, we decorated her bedroom and tree last evening. She had a great time, but still loads the tree three ornaments to a branch! She keeps me real...
And speaking of tree ornaments, I re-sized my silhouettes to fit in these ornament frames from Walmart. I made them as gifts for my mother-in-law for Christmas. I am making a set for myself, but I will glitter the frames to snazz them up!
And speaking of gifts, I gave the gift of my time and energy today: while dropping off my eldest son so he could watch a basketball game, I was blocked in by a man whose car wheels were spinning in the messy snow of the parking lot. I stopped, and he got out of his car and asked me if I "wanted a push?" Of course, I heard "Do you wanna push?" Admittedly a teensy bit taken aback, I shrugged sure... He walked closer to my car (to push) as I got out and leaned into the job of pushing his car! Puzzled, he asked, "Are you sure...?" and I told him I'd give it a try. He graciously offered to have me steer the car as he pushed, but when I realized it was a standard, I deferred. My last effort at driving a manual transmission involved repeatedly stalling and my eldest brother yelling at, no thanks! Back in my position of power, I suggested (to this rather good-looking man), "Maybe we should try getting the car rockin'" Oyyy...and we just met!! To make a long story less long, I succeeded in getting the car unstuck! Who knew I had it in me? As the car wheels spun to freedom, the man unceremoniously yelled out the door, "Thanks!" and he was off. I may have been a hero, but I don't mind saying I didn't feel all that feminine doing it. I know, I know, girl power...let's just say I got back in touch with my femininity with a little therapeutic shopping!!
So that's it, in a nutshell. It started with some snow, and ended with it, too. I arrived home from my rescue mission to this:
There's nothing like a big, fat snowman to make things Christmasy!
Don't forget to enter my Fairy Door give-away (see post below)!!