Saturday, October 31, 2009

Invest in Your Nest with Mitchell Gold & Bob Williams

This week marks the release of Mitchell Gold and Bob Williams' new book Comfortable Home How to Invest in your Nest and Live Well for Less. A timely book that is sure to add value to your home and decor with photos and step by step instructions to help you enhance your home.

Mitchell Gold and Bob Williams believe that, in any economy, your home is an incredibly smart investment. Its value goes well beyond what current real estate prices may say. A beautiful, serene, and organized house truly has the power to change your life. And investments can be made on any budget. The table of contents give you a good peek into what looks like an interesting mix of styles applicable to many different decors. Throughout the book, fabulous original photography provides stimulating tours of real homes, including Mitchell and Bob’s New York City apartment, a country cottage, a revitalized ranch, and a Federal-style home in the city.
Using Mitchell and Bob’s great ideas for working with color, you'll learn the art of furnishing small spaces, creating room to-room flow, and more. The book gives step by step instructions - wonderfully staged so anyone achieve their classic looks.
Mitchell Gold and Bob Williams were kind enough to provide a copy of their new book to Willow Decor for a giveaway. If you are interested in winning this fabulous new design book just leave a comment. As always, followers and subscribers of Willow Decor are automatically entered. Special thanks to Mindy Drucker co writer of the book!
You can purchase the Comfortable Home How to Invest in your Nest and Live Well for Less here and learn more about Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams here. Winner will be announced Friday, November 6th.
Happy Halloween!!!
xx- Gina
(BTW, Willow Decor is just a fan of Mitchell Gold, their products and design philosophy.
No services or compensation have been received in exchange for this post.)

Old-School Halloween...

Back when Halloween was about dressing my babies in adorable, silly costumes, I even channelled my own silliness and donned a costume or two. My kids thought it was fun and no eyes were rolled (well, maybe a few adults'). Check out these old photos of my cuties when they were little... and game for whatever their mummy would encourage them to wear: 

Sophie, aged two: Aren't her curls wild?

A nerd and a ninja:

And their foolish mother. I felt really silly in this get-up, and cannot believe I thought this was a good idea.
Of course, it's probably not a good idea to resurrect this photo, is it?!

Times were simpler in the old days...

Happy Halloween!!!

Friday, October 30, 2009


I've been toying around with this post for quite some time now. I have held off because it shows a side of me I'm not so proud of. I decided to write it today because especially lately, more than usual, I've seen comments and posts here and there from bloggers about their home not measuring up...not being as beautiful as the next...not as perfect.

This big bloggy world is one that has brought much joy to my life. Much creativity. I have loved "meeting" all of you because of blogging.

But there are times when I click through some blogs and am not proud of my reaction. First, it's awe and glee from a great reveal or project.

Then, maybe a bit of wishing.

Then, do I dare say it...

Resentment? Jealousy?

I'm not proud of that. Not one bit, but it's the truth.

Let me be clear here -- I big fat LOVE our home. I would not trade it for any other. Because it is truly where our heart is. I have put my blood, sweat and tears into this house. We have raised out kids here and have created so many wonderful traditions and memories.

I cannot stress enough how much I adore it.

So maybe it's not the homes I see that give me the tinges of jealousy. Maybe it's the time some have to dedicate to their homes. Maybe it's the money some can spend on their homes. Maybe it's the way they describe their lives that seem so...perfect?

Maybe you have felt that way about this blog at times? I know it's possible and probably true, but I hope it's a fleeting feeling.

Our home is not perfect. Our life is not perfect. And a couple weeks ago, I got a big (soft) slap upside the head from God when I found out something about a blogger I visit every so often. It's a little known fact about this person, and let's just say I felt like a big fat ARSE after finding out the information. ;)

It was a message in flashing red lights that no one's life is "perfect." It may appear to be, but it never is.

And really, who wants perfect? Seriously, perfect is BOR-RING. Just like a house, it's so much more interesting with imperfections...the squeak on the floor that drives you crazy every time you step on that spot. The crack in the wall no one sees but you (but it still drives you mad). The dings in the drywall and baseboards from kids living in a home. All of us have squeaks and cracks and dings in our lives that make them not perfect.

I will spare you the details of my life, but because of my experiences, HOME means so much more to me than a building or a place for stuff. Most of my childhood was filled with wonderful memories and traditions. I never noticed the dings in the drywall, the creaks in the floors. (And your kids won't either.)

Then in high school, a series of events occurred that changed my outlook on life. I didn't have a home for quite some time. I lived with my best friend and her family for a summer. When it was time to go back to college, my dorm room was my only home. And that Thanksgiving was spent in an old, gross motel room, just my Mom and me.

It was one of the lowest days of my life.

At that time, Sarah McLachlan's song "Elsewhere" brought me comfort. I listened to it constantly. Part of the chorus from that song that still sticks with me:

I believe this is heaven to no one else but me.
And I'll defend it as long as I can be...

That song still makes me cry. ;) I am thankful for every moment of my life, because it's brought me where I am today.

It's not about the stuff or the house being perfect. It's about it being a home, in the emotional sense. Because of my past, a place to put down roots and to create memories for our kids means so much to me. So if you ever take anything away from this blog, it's that your home should be YOUR haven. I don't care what it looks like. I don't care if it's your dream home. Make it your dream home with what you have.

Even if that is just baking cookies, carving a pumpkin and playing with your kids on this Halloween weekend. Remember even those that feel they have very little are envied by someone. Be proud and love what you have and make it what you love and are proud of, in whatever way you can.

I hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend with your family. Thanks for listening to my deep thoughts today. :)

Hanna Säfströms textilier

Hanna Säfström är ny textildesigner som bl a ställde ut under Formex i augusti. Hennes tyger är vackert handtecknade och inspirerade av naturen. De finns att få som kuddfodral, brickor, bäddlinne och som metervara. Bilderna är pressbilder.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

(Almost) free Halloween decor

I'm so stinking excited you all love my redo as much as I do!! It's GORG, eh? It just feels like "home" to me, like it always should have looked this way. ;)

It hit me this week that, uhhhhh, Halloween is like, in two days and I hadn't shown you more of my decor. Maybe you can file some ideas away for next year, yes?

Most of my Halloween decor -- well ALL of my Halloween decor -- was made by moi or purchased on the cheap. I showed you my free spooky mantel here, my ghouly candleholders here and my Halloween crafting here. All were super cheap or faaaareeee!

Here's more of the other el cheapo decorations I promise every one of you can do!

A glittery word from Hob Lob, cut off the ribbon and attach it to scrapbook paper in an old frame:
The gumball machine was $4 at Goodwill and I couldn't. resist. it. I tried, I did. It's perfect for peanut M&M's. Makes it a bit harder to get to them, which is a good thing. ;)

These labels are free online (if you search Halloween labels you should find some) -- I did these last year with Goodwill bottles so I can't remember where I found them:
This year I got a few more little jars for $.25 each at GW, and printed off itty bitty labels I found here. (You have to see all of the ideas Lorie finds -- amazing!! I couldn't find the actual post for these -- do you know where it is Lorie?)
Years ago I found images online, printed them out and cut out the shapes in stiff felt. They've lasted for a long time and I love how they look on our windows:

When you take three cardboard letters that spell out BOO and half off scrapbook paper, this is what you get:
Four bucks total, I believe? I think the paper cost more than the pumpkin for this one:
Outside, I used spidey web lights I found at the drug store last year on clearance (drug stores have some fun stuff for CHEAP after the holidays.) I think these cost me two bucks:
And of course my dollar store tombstones are all over the front yard! I touched them up with white paint and they look awesome:
This one was probably the most expensive project -- I found these vinyl stickers at HomeGoods a few weeks ago and got Spooky and Scary for $6:
I took some scrap wood, spray painted it, distressed it and drilled holes for the ribbon to hang it:

Adorable. Cheap. Thankyouverymuch. ("Scary" is vertical and leans against a wall in our foyer.)
Fun stuff eh??

Please don't let all of this fool you. I have a secret...

I am sooooo cheating...
I couldn't resist, really. Could you? (Don't tell me if you could.)

Another Before and After Party is coming up this Monday!! (I'll have the post up Sunday night!) You just need a before picture and the after to join us. Wooeee, I love a party!!

I'll also share my first Christmas project next week -- I've mentioned it before but you'll need some time to prepare for this one. ;)

Prepara tu casa para Halloween

Aunque quedan un par de semanas para este acontecimiento que nos viene del otro lado del Atlántico, sabemos la preocupación de nuestros lectores por tenerlo todo a punto para una fecha tan señalada. Hoy os traigo algunas ideas más para que vuestra casa dé miedo por si os decidís a hacer una fiesta temática por Halloween.

En primer lugar, tenéis que recordar que los colores claves para esta celebración son el naranja y el negro. Una combinación de ambos darán un ambiente muy chulo a vuestro hogar.

En la imagen que veis sobre estas líneas, podéis ver cómo queda una casa decorada para Halloween con muy poco presupuesto. Basta con decorar con un gorro de bruja cualquier cuadro o foto que tengáis con cuidado de no estropearlo. Para esto es ideal el material de Post-it porque tienen un pegamento muy suave que resistirá por lo menos durante toda la fiesta. Recortad murciélagos de la misma cartulina y ponedlos por todas las paredes.

Para imitar las telarañas sobre el sofá, podéis usar gasa vieja y raída, así como medias color carne que estén rotas. Si las dejáis colgando, darán una sensación desasosegante, y si les espolvoreáis polvos de talco, todo quedará como más viejo y usado. Los murciélagos también funcionan bien en exteriores, así que podéis pegarlos en vuestra puerta para asustar a los niños que vayan a pediros el famoso “¿truco o trato?”.

Si queréis hacer que la fiesta de Halloween en casa sea un éxito, dejad la entrada sin mucha luzo o iluminada con velas y colgad del techo tiras de tela o de papel, ya veréis cómo los invitados se asustan cuando pasen rozándolas. Conseguid un esqueleto de plástico (valen los de los niños) o de papel y colgadlo en sitios estratégicos para que toda la casa mantenga la misma temática.

Colocad calaveras por la casa, las podéis encontrar en las tiendas de góticos y seguro que en vuestro negocio de todo a 100 más cercano a casa. Conforme vaya acercándose la fecha, seguro que las tiendas se irán llenando de este tipo de adornos.

Como siempre, si queréis hacer un plan más barato, bastará con que estéis desde ya sin retirar las telas de araña de las paredes. Voilá! Tendréis una auténtica casa tenebrosa con cero de coste. Además el polvo también estará por toda la casa sin que tengáis que espolvorearlo todo con polvos de talco.

Viste tu mesa de primavera: colores, caminos y velas

Si tienes una cena especial y quieres presentar a tus invitados una mesa primaveral ahora que llega la estación de las flores o simplemente quieres empezar a dar a tu casa un toque de color ahora que llega la primavera empezando por el comedor, hoy te traemos algunos consejos que seguro que son bastante útiles.

En primer lugar los colores. Para elegir los colores de tu mesa en esta estación opta por colores naturales, que se adapten a lo que nos espera fuera, a las flores y a la naturaleza.

Buenas opciones son los rosas, naranjas, verdes, en tonos cálidos y brillantes, deja para los meses pasados los colores fríos, y empieza a pensar en la luz y en el sol.

Una vez elegido el color no pienses en él como en el único protagonista de tu mesa, como te muestro en estas imágenes se trata de elegir una gama de colores, si escoges el rosa por ejemplo coge varias tonalidades como se muestra en la imagen de arriba.

La tendencia actual es mezclar caminos de mesa con velas y complementos de tipo exótico. Así que simplemente tienes que seguir algunos pasos.

n primer lugar coge un mantel del color que hayas elegido, y luego cruza la mesa con un camino de una tonalidad distinta, concretamente una tonalidad más oscura que la que has elegido para el mantel principal, de esta manera potenciarás su efecto visual.

Sobre el camino de mesa distribuye algunas velas, también del color que hayas elegido o de un color neutro que no afecte a nuestra elección como el blanco, puedes colocarlas en tazones de estilo oriental o sobre plataformas.

Otra buena opción son los centros de mesa, que también debes colocar sobre el camino, y que puedes incluso combinar con las velas.

Como punto final otra tendencia de la estación, las flores, nada de flores secas, estamos en primavera, utilízalas y tendrás una mesa puramente primaveral.

Algunas cosas más:

  • si optas por poner servilletas utilízalas de tela del mismo color que el mantel principal no que el camino, siempre opta por el más claro y deja el oscuro para cosas puntuales intenta evitar el agua de flores frescas en la mesa, utiliza espuma para colocarlas
  • Te aseguro que si utilizas estos consejos todos tus invitados se quedarán con la boca abierta y además conseguirás una mesa llena de color y acorde con la estación en la que estamos.

She Said: On the Menu...

Every friendship has its traditions and quirks. Inside jokes, the ability to be yourself, and the knowledge that you will be told when you have lettuce in your teeth. In my opinion, these are the measures of a true friendship. Equally important is the sharing of information and the bouncing off of ideas from one another...from the sharing of  weather forecasts to recipes.

What would be the benefit of being friends with Matthew Mead if you can't get the odd recipe or entertaining tip now and again? It would be silly to not take advantage of such an "in", wouldn't it? In a funny twist, a new tradition has made its way into our friendship lately. Most days, around 4pm (my time) Matthew will email me from his studio to ask, "What are the MacDonalds eating for dinner?"

I think the ritual began after Matthew and Jenny visited me this summer, and due to our crazy schedule, I ended up feeding them the same meal (seafood chowder and Mulligatawny soup) twice in a row. Worried that the entertaining guru himself might get the impression that was the extent of my culinary repertoire, I casually emailed him one day, boasting of the fancy dinner I had just made for my family.
And so the tradition began...

Usually it is Matthew, asking what I am dishing up, but sometimes it is me, looking for an expert opinion. Occasionally, Matthew sends me a photo of a delicious meal he and his team cooked up (and later, enjoyed!) for a photo shoot. Then I am inspired, and toss the frozen pizza box back into the freezer with guilt. Because Matthew and Jenny are so busy - working late and then faced with the prospect of cooking when all they feel like doing is collapsing - I think they live vicariously through me and my current state of domesticity. My cooking is borne from the necessity of feeding a growing, active family who return to me each day in various states of hunger...who are still entrenched in the nightly supper ritual. Matthew and Jenny's girls are grown and living independently, so their need to return to their nest and rustle up dinner has abated. I think my sharing of my family's dinner menu is more an offering that serves both to spark their appetite and their memories of feeding their own family.

photo: Matthew Mead

Sharing such seemingly trivial parts of our day is fun and light-hearted and has even begun to inspire me to cook better...plan more and serve more thoughtful meals. After all, when you are reporting in to the likes of Matthew Mead each day, a hotdog on a stick is not going to win any rave reviews!!


To read Matthew Mead's take on our tradition, head on over to the Flea Market Style blog for the He Said alternative entitled, Whatcha Got Cookin'...?

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Consejos del Feng Shui para tu dormitorio

El dormitorio es lugar perfecto para dormir, descansar, leer, reflexionar, cargarse de energías y hacer el amor; es decir es el espacio ideal para revitalizarse después de un día lleno de estrés y tensión en el trabajo. Los dormitorios representan la paz y tranquilidad del reposo, los sueños y anhelos de la personas, y también las potentes energías sexuales.

Según el Feng Shui, los dormitorios están relacionados con el elemento metal, es decir que conlleva al acto de sumergirse bajo las colchas y envolverse a descansar en un tranquilo confort.

Mobiliario y decoración. Elige una decoración para la cabecera de tu cama que sea ligera, como por ejemplo telas y guirnaldas, o que esté bien fijada a la pared. Evita poner cosas pesadas y objetos sueltos.

A la hora de decorar, elige cosas que no tengan esquinas o cantos en punta que podría resultar peligroso para algunas partes de tu cuerpo que estén dormidas. Y no olvides quitar las patas de metal que sobresalgan, objetos puntiagudos o relieves afilados que puedan herirte.

Recuerda que tus pertenencias están vivas y es de suma importancia que tu conexión con los demás objetos en el dormitorio despierte respuestas positivas y revitalizadoras. Por estas razones, evita y elimina los objetos que te recuerden malos momentos vividos. No permitas que tus cosas te provoquen sentimientos, pensamientos o asociaciones negativas, menos aún en el dormitorio, que es el lugar donde recibes las primeras y últimas impresiones del día.

Los espejos en tu dormitorio. Los espejos activan las energías en el dormitorio y pueden interferir en los descansos ya que podrían provocar agitación e insomnio. Cuanto más grande es el espejo y más cerca de la cama, es mucho más probable que se altere el sueño.

Dado que muchas veces el dormitorio también cumple con la función de vestidor, se hace muy complicado eliminar del todo los espejos, como por ejemplo en los casos de los armarios con espejos. En esos casos es posible sacarle partido a la situación, colocando cortinas como si fueran ventanas. “Destapas” el espejo durante el día y lo “tapas” durante la noche.

Decora tu sala de estar según los principios del Feng Shui

Sobre todo durante las estaciones frías en que no provoca salir de casa, la sala de estar es el lugar ideal para relajarnos y convivir en familia. Por ello hay que tener en cuenta una serie de detalles que propicien el ambiente idóneo para esta habitación y el buen ánimo de quienes la comparten.
Como práctica oriental que explota y encausa la energía del ambiente, el Feng Shui nos ofrece consejos de gran utilidad para alcanzar el equilibrio armónico entre nosotros y lo que nos rodea. Con mayor razón al interior de nuestro hogar, que es el espacio que construimos en base a nuestro estilo y que debería servirnos de refugio y despeje ante los elementos negativos de fuera.

La energía a la que hace referencia el Feng Shui recibe el nombre de Chi. En este caso, nos proponemos alcanzar el “Chi doméstico” en base a la combinación de colores, materiales, objetos y su distribución dentro de la sala de estar.

Si hablamos del efecto anti-estrés, una pared color azul, blanco o la combinación de ambos nos envolverá de tal manera que los problemas quedarán tras de la puerta. Y para no perder la alegría e invitación a la convivencia, no pueden faltar el amarillo y el rojo en los muebles, pisos y cortinas.

Los muebles -de preferencia, acolchados- deben estar ordenados en ángulo de 90° o en forma de media luna. Siempre pegados hacia la pared y nunca dando la espalda a la puerta de ingreso, ya que genera una sensación de hermetismo y rechazo (bloqueo del Chi).

Así mismo, hay que colocar una mesa de centro que tenga por lo menos las patas o el tablero de madera. Encima de este puede ponerse un jarrón con flores naturales o algún otro adorno, siempre y cuando no la recarguen.

Lo mismo sucede con los cuadros. Un par de imágenes alegres bastan para que el Chi no se estanque por exceso de elementos. Y si vamos a incluir algún aparato electrónico, que sea solo uno y ubicado en una de las esquinas de la habitación.

Como los pisos absorben toda la energía, procuremos que sea de un material frío como el cerámico y encima haya una alfombra amplia. Así se podrá establecer el balance entre la fuerza de la buena vibra y el relax.

Cómo decorar un comedor en Halloween

Se acerca una de las fechas más tenebrosas del año y se convierte en un momento para compartir de diversas maneras con familiares y amigos. En Halloween podemos organizar una fiesta, una parrillada, una cena… Lo que nos dicte nuestra imaginación para divertirnos con quienes más queremos.
Si lo que estás pensando es hacer un almuerzo o una cena, lo que deberás hacer será ordenar muy bien tu comedor y colocar elementos alusivos a la fecha. Son dos las maneras de decorar tu comedor, como las que te enseñaré hoy: una manera sencilla y una más especial. Toma nota.

Decoración sencilla.
No en todos los tipos de decoración tienes que colocar miles de objetos alusivos ni muy recargados. Tan solo basta con que coloques algunos elementos que tengan que ver con la fecha que estás por celebrar para darle una ambientación sencilla al lugar.
En la imagen vemos cómo se ha decorado un comedor de una manera muy simple, pero elegante. La ambientación de Halloween la brindan las coronas hechas en casa y las calabazas colocadas en la mesa. Estas calabazas pueden ser reales, así como de plástico o en forma de velas.

Decoración especial.
Existe otro grupo de personas que sí celebran estas fechas a todo dar y buscan hasta colocar una vajilla especial de Halloween. Si lo que estás buscando es un ambiente decorado de una manera mucho más especial, pues esto es verdaderamente lo tuyo.
En la imagen vemos la vajilla de Halloween (platos y tazas con diseños de calavera impresos), las servilletas son naranjas, otros elementos son negros, como las velas, y los objetos que vemos, también con calaveras, son los adornos, los cojines y los corchos de las botellas.

Valorie's Room in the Semi Finals!

Remember my trip to New Orleans and my great blogging friend, Valorie from Visual Vamp ? She shares my love of antique oyster plates!
Well the very talented Valorie has made it into the semi final round of the Apartment Therapy Room for Color Contest.
Valorie's office is fabulous. We only have 24 hours to vote for her. Please give her room a look - I am sure you will agree it should get the top honors. To vote click here.

A House, a Home and a Give-away...

Head on over to House and Home Magazine's website to see the Princess Margaret Hospital Sweepstakes Showhome in Oakville, Ontario, designed by House & Home. Each week they've been unveiling a new video tour of a different room. The house is quite spectacular and designer Lynda Reeves shares great design tips and secrets in every video. Those in the greater Toronto area can walk through the house in person (tours are free, here's the address and map). Those in Toronto will enjoy their cover gallery: if they upload a photo taken at the house, they can see how they'd look on the cover of the magazine! They've also included a detailed source guide for the house, which will be featured in the April 2010 issue of House & Home. Sweepstakes tickets are on sale until November 26th.

Also, be sure to check out The Design Girl's latest give-away.

She’s giving away a free photo blog makeover over at her blog and all you have to do is become a follower to enter! Sounds great to me!

And that's that!


Well hellooooo there!!

Isn't it FAB?? (If you are reading this in Google Reader you may want to click over.) I've been thinking about my redesign for AGES and am so totally, completely giddy with how it turned out!! Shannon at Eightcrazy Design is fan-freaking-tastic!

She took my inspiration -- my business card I had made up about six months ago -- and ran with it. It is so absolutely cool I can't stand it. (Squeal!) It's a perfect mix of sophisticated and fun and I'm thrilled. If you need any design services, I encourage you to check out Shannon's site.

Let me take you on a tour!

All the old stuff is still here, it's just organized better. (OH goodness, you know how I love organization!) Many of the items that were along the side are now up in the tabs along the top of the site.

I added specific tabs about advertising and consults -- check them out if you are interested! I highlighted some of the rooms in our house under the Our Home tab.I made the FAQ post a tab, so if you are new to TDC, many of your questions on projects I have completed are answered there.

Get Connected has links to my e-mail, Twitter and Facebook accounts and my Etsy site. Because you can't click the header to get "home" -- you can click the house button or go to the "Home" on the tab on the header to get to the front page of my site.

You can get my new blingy button (seen above) along the side as well. Isn't it awesome? (If you grabbed it early, the link is corrected now! I have a dot com address I haven't switched over yet.)

Some of my labels I had highlighted on my old site. Shannon has organized them so nicely all together along the side under Popular Catagories. These are some of my favorite labels, things like holiday posts, window treatments, beadboard, etc. I may add to these in the future, but you can still search my blog under What You Missed or check out past posts and my labels way down on the bottom left.

You can still see fellow bloggers in my blogroll down on the left as well. :)

I'm still tweaking some things but for now, it's done! And I'm in luuuuurve!! I hope you love it too! Thanks so much for the sweet comments!

P.S. And thanks to Beckie from Infarrantly Creative for introducing me to her BFF! :) (That would be Shannon.)

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