Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Nightly Musings...
Monday, March 30, 2009
OMG!!!! (Squealing like a 13-year-old girl!)
Yes, I squealed. Blew out my hubby's eardrums.
My girlfriends and I are already planning how we are going to purchase the front row seats.
We will get them. Oh yes, we will.
OK. Done. Back to our scheduled programming. Check out my five dollar projects below.
UPDATE: Tickets are secured by a very-powerful-distant-cousin-of-best-friend-and-coworker-of-my-sister person.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Easterly Winds Blowing Through...
Five dollar Spring projects!
I'm joining Lindsay over at Living with Lindsay for her Five Dollar Challenge -- check out her site, so much fun!
Just sayin'.
Let's start with one of the cutie moss bunnies at Pier One. I've picked these up about four times in the past month or so, but couldn't figure out what to do with them. Last week, it hit me:
ACK! Adorable! Stuff the foam in, stuff the moss on top, stuff in the bunny. You are DONE.
My other project was one I'm really excited about -- because I know you already have half of it in your cabinet:
I used my jute twine (correction from this post -- I thought it was sisal but turns out jute has a slightly darker look that I like better than the sisal) and wrapped it around and glued it like I did the bottles.
Little container for little toys:
Four custom tags for under $2:
Fun little magnets:
Head over to Lindsay's to see more fun projects! And keep linking up your spray painting projects here -- so much inspiration!
A Winner!!
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Off To The Big Easy!
First, I am headed to Julie Neill Designs - The wonderfully creative and artistic Julie Neill, will be meeting me and showing me some of her exciting new products and designs.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
How to install a dimmer switch.
OK, now STOP shaking your head, thinking, "This Chick has gone and lost. her. mind. I cannot (and will not) do anything electrical."
Yes, you can! I swear. Just look at how easy it is.
If your light is controlled by more than one switch, you will need the 3-way version. You need to look when you purchase -- the packages are almost identical.
When you open it up, this is what you'll see:
(Stop shaking. It's easy, I SWEAR.)
The only tools you should need are a Phillips head screw driver and a flat head screwdriver:
Go to the switch for the light you are changing out and turn it on -- first so you can tell if you get the right breaker and second, it's a real PITA when you've run down a set of stairs, through the house and to the garage, turned off the breaker, run back through the house, up the stairs and then realized YOU HAVE NO CLUE WHICH SWITCH YOU ARE WORKING WITH! Whew.
Go to the breaker box, and turn the switch to off:Make sure the light is NOT working. Now you are free to use your flat head screwdriver to take off the switch plate. This is what you'll see:
You won't be disappointed! I challenge you to make this a quick and easy weekend project!
On a completely different note, I need to show some love for my friend Kimba:
I know many of us have struggled with the amount of time we dedicate to blogging --whether it be writing a blog or just being obsessed with looking at them! Kimba challenges all of us to unplug tomorrow from anything (like the computer!) that we feel is taking up a bit too much of our time.
I have made some changes of late that have made a BIG difference to us -- for example, I don't get on the computer in front of our son anymore. It has been a great change for us -- he was starting to hate the computer. ;) If you unplug tomorrow, share how it went for you at Kimba's on Monday.
Chandelier Anyone?
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Grain Sack Pillow Giveaway!!!!
To celebrate the launching of her new website and on line store, Kym is offering one of our readers their choice between two rare, antique pillows.
Would you like this lovely German grain sack printed with stripes? As you recall many are printing reproductions over grains sacks to get this look, but this pillow is a true original! An antique German grain sack from 1849. Very rare salmon and blue coloring. Or this German Grain sack with roses which are very rare and usual? It has a wonderful original patch at the top which is amazing. This is the only one she has ever seen with roses before. This pillow is from 1899 Authausen, Germany.
Just leave a comment below and you will be entered to win one of these pillows. I will randomly select one winner from the comments next Thursday and Kym will ship you your choice of one of these two pillows.
Here are a few more of Kym's new items. Check out these gorgeous new stools!
And I love her collection of new Bolster pillows!
And here are some of her new German Grain sack pillows!Love these two matching pillows!
But here is my favorite new item: To see her entire collection check out her website