Thursday, September 30, 2010

Vinn Lekfull Design för 1500:-

TÄVLINGEN ÄR AVSLUTAD! Vinnare blev Vikoria Dalh.

Bild: Lekfull Design
Nu celebrerar vi här på bloggen, wiiiii!!! Jo, såhär är det...
När som helst kommer räknaren att slå om till 200 000 besökare. Detta ska vi självklart fira!!! Tävla om; inredning, smycken, kläder, mattor, belysning mm. Du får helt enkelt handla fritt i nystartade web-shopen Lekfull Design, till ett värde av 1500:-

Så här gör du;
1. Välj ut dina två favoritprylar i web-shopen. Du når sidan HÄR.
2. Vilket varumärke skulle du gärna se i Lekfull Designs sortiment?
Motivera kort.
3. Har du blogg? För dubbel vinstchans länka med texten; Vinn Lekfull Design värde 1500:- + bilden med Caroline af Ugglas. Om inte, kopiera in länken i din statusrad på Facebook eller tipsa tre vänner via mail.

Ta nu chansen och vinn valfria prylar och accesoarer för 1500:-!!!
Tävlingen pågår tom 15/10 2010 och eventuell vinstskatt betalas av vinnaren.

TACK alla ni som kikar in här, det värmer! Önskar er alla jätte-mycket lycka till i tävlingen! Fortsätt klicka in här på bloggen och förgyll min vardag!
Vi ses snart :)
Kram Sofie

My style is “Suburban”

So I’ve noticed something lately when watching my favorite design shows. There is one word that seems to strike fear in the heart of many a “real” decorator…

Their mouth puckers up like they just drank lemon juice.

They look like they just swallowed a bug.

They look as if they may just spit out the word…cause it’s just so completely hideous.

That word that makes them quiver…




(Runs screaming from the computer. Arms flailing. Trembling. Hives.)

But I don’t get it. Never have. I don’t understand what’s so bad about “suburban.”

I know, I know. It means normal…average…just like the next one.

To them anyway. To me it means warm…cozy…it can even be classic.

And, YES, normal.

What’s wrong with normal? Normal can most certainly be pretty. Warm can definitely be different. Cozy can be innovative once and a while.

buffet without hutch

But to me, more than anything…”suburban” means


family room

Why is that so horrible? 

For years I’ve tried to figure out my own decorating style, and I’ve never really nailed it down. I’m really traditional, a little bit transitional.

But then I heard that “suburban” word one more time a couple of weeks ago, and I realized…that’s ME! My style is Suburban.

target rust bedding

And I’m proud of it.


Really. I’ll scream it from the roof of my suburban home. My suburban home in a neighborhood.

In Suburbia.

I love Suburban. It’s home.

To me, it’s family and friends plopping down on your couch, getting something out of your fridge, sitting around your kitchen table playing yuker.

Yeah, I said it. Yuker. I’m a Hoosier. Darn tootin’.

Although I usually just sit and watch…I won’t take the time to really learn how to play it. Which is probably a good thing because I am NOT a good loser.

It’s not pretty. :)

And yes, I know it’s spelled euchre. I’m being a Hoosier. Funny. Get it? :)

I found the definition of Suburban online, just because I was curious:

sub·ur·ban (sə-bûrˈbən)


  1. 1. Of, relating to, or characteristic of a suburb. (Check.)
    2. Located or residing in a suburb. (Check.)
    3. Of, relating to, or characteristic of the culture, customs, and manners typical of life in the suburbs. (Check. Check. Check.)

We dream of having a weekend apartment in New York City someday.

And a mountain cabin…someday.

And one day…maybe moving to a house that’s not in a neighborhood, one that’s older than ten years old, on some land with a creek in the back. (Or crick, if you’re a Hoosier.)

You know – the kind of house that’s more than 30 feet from the road? Yeah. One of those.  :)

But any one of those would still be decorated in my Suburban style. Warm and cozy, cozy and warm…and normal. In my way, normal.

airplane boy room

My normal is not your normal, which is why Suburban could never be average. Just in the same way one person’s contemporary isn’t another person’s contemporary. Styles are translated differently by all of us.

And every style can be comfortable and welcoming. Contemporary can most definitely scream A FAMILY LIVES HERE…but that doesn’t make it boring. 

My style is Suburban and I am not ashamed.

What’s yours?  :)

Welcome to my latest advertiser!:

Pedestrian fatalities hit record low over 9 years: RTA

Pedestrian fatalities hit record low over 9 years: RTA

Maitha bin Udai: RTA places much emphasis on awareness programs besides building pedestrian tunnels, bridges and crossing points

Pedestrian fatality accidents in Dubai have touched a record low average in the first half of this year dipping to 25 cases compared to 47 cases in the same period last year; recording in the process a 47% drop rate from last year’s level where pedestrians fatality rate dropped by 33% from the level prevailing in the year before, according to the statistics compiled by the Roads & Transport Authority (RTA). These statistics also showed that run-over accidents have hit an all-time low during the last 5 years as the resulting fatalities have not exceeded 78 cases whereas the number of reported run-over fatalities in the year before was 116 cases.
Commenting of these figures engineer Maitha bin Udai, CEO of RTA Traffic & Roads Agency, said that pedestrian safety indicators in Dubai reflected a huge progress in the plan of Traffic & Roads Agency regarding the enhancement of pedestrian safety and curbing of run-over accidents in Dubai. “Last year witnessed several field measures and joint awareness efforts to curb pedestrian accidents; which ranked amongst the most serious challenges facing traffic safety specialists,” she said.

Bin Udai indicated that the drop by almost half in the pedestrian fatalities to 25 cases reported during the first half of this year meant that it was the least period witnessing pedestrian fatalities over the last 9 years. There were 28 pedestrian fatalities in the first half of 2002 and the number remained the same in the following year, but soared in the first half of 2004 to 49 cases, and dropped slightly in the first half of 2005 to 48 cases. Again the number picked up to hit 57 cases in the first half of 2006 and to 59 cases in the first half of the following year. Pedestrian fatalities hit a peak of 60 cases in the first half of 2008 before falling to 47 cases in 2009.

The CEO of Traffic & Roads Agency attributed the drop in mortality rate to a host of measures introduced by the RTA as part of its traffic safety plan through constructing footbridges & subways, identifying & marking crossing points, and rolling out educative traffic awareness campaigns. Contractors and consultants had also been ordered to deploy vehicles to shuttle their workers between the two side of the road to avoid road crossing and accordingly risking their lives. “Pedestrian accidents in Sheikh Zayed Road plummeted by 83.4% over last year with only two fatality accidents reported compared to 12 fatality cases in 2008; which is attributed to the operation of three footbridges linking with the metro stations. In Damascus Road, pedestrians fatalities dipped by 75% from 4 cases in 2008 to one case in 2009 following the opening of 3 footbridges on the same Road. Similarly pedestrian fatalities on Amman Road dropped by 40% upon construction of two pedestrian crossing points and distinguishing them with white markings plunging from 5 cases in 2008 to one case in 2009.

Maitha continued: “Over the last year, Traffic & Roads Agency was engaged in addressing more than 7 blind spots witnessing recurrent run-over accidents in some parts of the city such as Al Qouz, Al Wasl and the Service Road of Sheikh Zayed Road.
“The RTA-lead awareness efforts made in conjunction with its strategic partners with the aim of improving traffic safety levels across the Emirate so far seem successful and moving on the right track, judging by the previous figures & indicators. Through its concerned Department and implementing traffic safety measurements, RTA managed over the last three years to make headway in reducing traffic fatality rates each and every year. Consequently, traffic accidents mortality rate in Dubai dipped from 332 cases in 2007 to 294 cases in 2008 and plummeted further to its least level over the last four years during last year which witnessed 225 fatalities,” explained Maitha.

She cautioned that it would be difficult to achieve positive results in improving traffic safety levels or have an effective impact on drivers’ attitudes unless the community members respond and react to those efforts. Accordingly, the success made by a part of the awareness programs which contributed to a reduction in fatality rates is attributed to the contribution of RTA strategic partners and the public who reacted to them, be it in terms of compliance with the educative directives and tips, or enhanced compliance with the traffic rules.

Maitha elaborated on traffic awareness efforts and said: “RTA efforts, which contributed to achieving the required harmony between the official efforts and the community response, have benefited from the successful international practices and experience accumulated over RTA lifetime spanning 4 years in line with the plan encompassing awareness efforts and several site measures taken by Traffic Department. During the last two years, RTA embarked on an ongoing process spanning three key thrusts; namely running traffic & safety engineering as well as enforcement-related educative campaigns, launching traffic awareness drive in schools, and educating the students on the key traffic safety principles.

“Specialists of Traffic & Roads Agency were keen on implementing world-class standards in designing and upgrading roads and pedestrian walkways, and providing sufficient numbers of pedestrian footbridges & subways along with urging the public to use them. Currently there are 14 subways and 18 footbridges in place, including three glazed bridges constructed by RTA over the last three years in addition to those footbridges linking with most of the metro stations. Pedestrian tunnels and bridges spread all over Dubai, particularly in areas witnessing intense pedestrian movement such as the abra area and Deira Corniche. Besides that, RTA is aspiring to double the number of pedestrian bridges and tunnels by 2013.

“The most prominent issue standing in the way of traffic awareness drive is the ignorance of several individuals, particularly among Asian workers, of traffic safety principles. So the biggest challenge is to educate them on the importance of using safe means, such as pedestrian crossings, tunnels and bridges, to avoid run-over accidents. For this purpose RTA held last year several meetings with its strategic partners that yielded the launch of three awareness campaigns about pedestrian crossing & cyclists targeting more than 75,000 workers. The Campaign comprised delivering lectures in Arabic, English and Urdu, distributing thousands of brochures and hundreds of posters as well as a special booklet about the right of pedestrians in crossing. The events covered workers density areas such as Jebel Ali and Al Qusais and indicators revealed that there was a 31% decline in the run-over accidents in areas where the events were held.

“In 2009 schools witnessed active traffic awareness activities and the main highlight in this regard is that Dubai was free from children run-over accidents by school buses last year compared to one run-over accident recorded in the year before; which bears reference to the success of the traffic awareness effort in this field. Part of this success is attributed to an educative program run jointly with Emirates Transport and Johnson & Johnson dubbed as School Bus Program; which is a school bus featuring an eye-catching & convenient internal and external design customized for children with a view to giving youngsters at nurseries and primary grades a practical exposure on how to board and alight from the bus in a proper and safe manner, and how to cross the road and avoid run-over accidents by adopting the Golden Rules. The program managed to cover 74 schools last year. There were also traffic campaigns oriented to students, parents and those working in the field of education. In the beginning of the academic year 2009/2010 RTA rolled out an educative drive in collaboration with the Ministry of Interior under the theme: Safe Student Transport during which it distributed more than 130,000 copies of School Transport booklet which was compiled by RTA Public Transport Agency, and currently we are gearing up for an eventful program to welcome the new academic year 2010/2011.
“The fall in pedestrian fatality rates in Dubai brings fresh challenges to those concerned with traffic safety in Dubai highlighted by the need to maintain the progress made last year; which warrants redoubling our efforts and moving ahead with the plans which proved successful in realizing RTA vision of: Safe & Smooth Transport for All,” said Maitha bin Udai in a concluding remark.

Fyra otroliga år

Idag är det otroligt nog fyra år sen jag började blogga, fyra år sedan jag skrev mitt första inlägg. Minns att jag tyckte att det var lite läskigt men också jättespännande att skriva något som sen vem som helst kunde läsa. Inte för att jag trodde att någon skulle läsa eller ens hitta hit. Under en tid hade jag läst Husmusen och blivit fascinerad av Fridas härliga inlägg. Jag visste inte då att hon hette Frida det avslöjade hon långt senare. Då var det många som inte gick ut med sina riktiga namn, inte jag heller, jag kallade mig Purple (fniss). Hur som helst så fick jag för mig att jag skulle prova att blogga jag med och sen har det bara fortsatt år efter år. Massor av nya härliga bloggvänner har jag fått. Jag har också fått chansen att under ett och ett halvt år blogga för giganten SvD men även för min lokala tidning Sydsvenskan. Många har följt mig genom åren och jag vill tacka er, alla tusentals läsare, som förgyller min dag varje dag genom att gå in och läsa och ibland kanske också kommentera. Tack för alla underbara och uppmuntrande mail som jag ständigt får och som gör att det är så kul att blogga, bland det bästa jag vet.

Today its four years ago since I made my first post. Four wonderful and unbelievable years. I remember that the first post was a little bit nervous to do. But then it just went on and on for years. Today thousands of you reads my blog every day. I have also met many wonderful and inspiring new friends. I'm really grateful for that and also for all the lovely comments and mail that I get. Thank you guys for making my day.. every every day!!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Inredning ska vara kul & lekfullt, inte sant? Det får gärna vara lite oväntat med en smula spänning! Kolla in denna underbara duk...visst är den bara sååå läcker! Det blir såå häftigt när glaset ligger lite slarvigt på bordet! Styling på hög nivå :) Duken kommer från 100% Norway.
Det börjar bli hög tid att signalera om att det ska firas här på bloggen! Räkneverket är på väg att slå om till 200 000 besökare. Tack för att ni kikar in!!! Ni ska självklart få lön för mödan, haha!
Det blir tävling och utlottning av ett
pressentkort värde 1500:- på inredning och Lekfulla designprylar. Nyfiken var??? Klicka HÄR. Fler detaljer om tävlingen får du senare idag...

Kram Sofie

100% design

...hos 100% Norway.
Enkel i sin formgivning och en given klassisker tro? Me like... :)
Design; Simen Aarseth

Inspireras av naturen

Bilder: [room] by sofie
Lördagen bjöd inte bara på fint väder.
Det var en trevlig dag, tillsammans med fina vänner.
Vi tog bilen och körde ca 20 minuter (...från Århus mot Grenå) och hamnade här, i Kalö Vig.

En naturupplevelse för barn och vuxna med en häftig slottsruin från 1300-talet.

Det var en skön ( kupperad) promenads ut från stranden -med strand på båda sidorna om. En upplevelse för alla sinnena. Här får ni mina bästa bilder...

Bilder: [room] by sofie

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Först var det bokstäver för hela slanten, men nu är det grafiska citat som gäller... Svenska Therese Sennerholt fortsätter skapa texter och är mer populär än någonsin. Bilden från danska RUMs senaste nummer där Therese blir listad som designfavorit. Rum skriver. Og hvem kan ikke elske citatet ;”Love is the new black”?

Se fler citat HÄR.

A fall mantel

Hello there! Well, the bins of fall decor have finally been pulled up the stairs, and I’m a little shocked at how much beady/leafy/pine coney stuff I’ve accumulated over the years.

I mean, I lurve me some beady stuff, but it’s a little much. :)

I set to work on the family room mantel today and started out putting it together like years past, but quickly realized I quite liked the way I had it decorated already…so I just decided to make some fallish changes and I LOVE it!

I especially love that it only took about 20 minutes and stuff I already had.

I started with some long, branchy, beady thangs I found deep in a storage bin…I don’t even remember buying them. :) I love finding surprises from the previous year! How fun is that?

I piled four of them up across the front of the mantel and fluffed. And fluffed. And fluffed some more:

beady stuff

I love that their twisted branches look so real.

Well, as real as branches with squishy foam beads can look:


Instead of adding a ton of candles across the mantel like I’ve done in the past, I just changed out the cream candles for some in warmer tones:

The warm, fall-inspired candlesticks work perfectly!

I filled the cloche with some fall fillers, but when I stood back, it was looking a bit too busy. So I grabbed a candle stand, perched a twiggy pumpkin on top, and tied a ribbon around the base instead:

I love how the pumpkin ties in the texture of the large rattan platter in the back -- that platter stays up there throughout almost every season because it’s so honkin’ big and fills up the space perfectly.

I was determined to use what I have, and I realized this week I had PLENTY to use. ;)

I’m really pleased with how it turned out!:

fall mantel

I’m not sure where I got the beady stuff last year, but I’m willing to bet it was Hobby Lobby. I’m obsessed with the Hob Lob. The huge gourd was from Michael’s last month – I think $10? The twig pumpkin was a Goodwill find this summer ($1.99!) and the cream ceramic candle stand is from Target (they still have them in the Smith and Hawken section.)

I’ve mentioned before this corner mantel has been a thorn in my decorating side – it’s much deeper than a normal one and not nearly as wide. It’s a bit challenging to make it work, but I think I’m starting to get the hang of it.

It only took six years. :)

I love that I’m able to layer decor a bit more with a mantel like this:

Of course, I especially love it at night…lit candles make just about anything look lovely!:

There you have it! My fall mantel –- using what was already there, amped up with fall colors and fluffy beady stuff. You can’t go wrong with beady, seriously.

Have you started fall decorating? Are you feelin’ it yet? Just as I start to get in the fall mood…it’s supposed to get in the 80’s here again this week.

GAH!! Bring on October!! :) (I’ll be putting up the Halloween mantel before I know it!)

**I’m linking this up to Nester’s mantel party and Julia’s fall decorating party!


Bild: Living Etc
Något jag fått upp ögonen för den senaste tiden är överlappning av mattor... Är det någon mer än jag som tycker det dyker upp både här och där? Känslan blir varm och ombonad. Det är inte annat än att man blir sugen på att krypa upp i denna härliga soffhörna, uppbyggd av sittkuddar i mixade textilier.

Hoppas ni har en fin tisdag där ute!
Kram Sofie

Grå grå krukor

Grå krukor och gröna växter är ett vinnande koncept som funkar både utomhus och inomhus. Belgiska Atelier Vierkant håller sig till en gråskala från beige till mörk grå i sina krukor. Riktigt snyggt att blanda. Formerna är raka eller runda, enkla utan för mycket dekorationer. Min stil mitt i prick. Gillar gröna växter och lite grövre krukor i enkel form. Tror visserligen inte att just de här går att köpa i Sverige, men inspirationen kan man ta åt sig och kanske hittar man något liknande. Bilder Atelier Vierkant, via DesiretoInspire.

When it comes to pots and plants, grey and green always works. These inspiration images are from Atelier Vierkant. I like the simple shapes of the pots and the colours from beige to grey. Also beautiful to mix. Via Desireto Inspire.

Monday, September 27, 2010


Färglada skrivplattor kan pigga upp hallen eller kontoret, och samtidigt få styr på alla lösa papper hemma... Otroligt charmiga och för endast 39:-st.
Uppmärksammade plattorna i ett före/efter reportage på Leva & Bo och blev förtjust. Antar att de blev populära efter det, då de är slut på lagret (...åter mitten på oktober). Du kan klicka hem dem HÄR.

Vipp i köket

Bilder: Pressbilder
Vipp Kitchen Tools är en ny serie produkter för köket.
De första köksprodukterna från danska VIPP är en brödlåda, salt- och pepparkvarn samt ett diskset.

Själv förknippar jag Vipp med bad/toalett-prylar.
Vill folket ha dessa produkter i köket nu tro? Inte om du frågar mig...

Bilder: Pressbilder
coompax-digital magazine