Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Nu också på webben

Bild: Svenskt Tenn
Maria , Frida och Sofie har redan lanserat nyheten... men den tål att spridas! Inredningens "Rolls Royce" Svenskt Tenn slår nu upp portarna för sin e-shop. Fantastiskt tycker jag som "inte springer förbi" butiken så ofta. Med ett brett sortiment med allt från litteratur till lampskärmar, textilier och vackra tenn ljustakar, det finns något för alla! Klicka HÄR för att spana in sortimentet. Nedan kommer ett axplock från e-shoppen.

Bilder: Svenskt Tenn

Har du någon Svenskt Tenn favorit?

Month in review!

Well hello! You are all SWEETAYS for your sweet comments on my aqua and pink flag cake. I cut a piece off tonight for hubby and I must say, it’s pretty cute. Not Fourth of July cute, but CUTE.  :)

And as many of you mentioned, I’m just on the cutting edge with the hot colors of aqua and coral. I totally did it on purpose. NOT.

I have decided to start doing a review of posts at the end of each month – just in case you’re new around these parts.  :) Also, there’s usually a few things I forget to mention or that you lovelies share that I think will be helpful to others.

The beginning of the month was FUN because I took my first two trips to IKEA – both within a week! Whoohoo!!

My plan for a sofa table in our great room had fallen through and all of the sudden I had to have the Hemnes coffee table instead:

Isn’t it loverly? I LOVE YOU IKEA!! Kisses!

I posted week three of the kitchen redo, where I shared some more of my IKEA goodies and an update on the progress of our kitchen:

I swear I’ll do another update again this week – I haven’t gotten as much done lately as I had hoped, but I do have a few more projects to share! (No, it’s nowhere close to done.)  :)

The June Before and After linky party was kicked off with my first attempt at strawberry freezer jam:

And it was YUMMY!! Hmmm…now I’m hungry.

It only took three weeks, but I finished the beadboard backsplash in the kitchen:


And I LOVE it! It is by far the biggest transformation in the room, and the cost for the beadboard was less than $50. I used the eight foot panels of primed beadboard from Home Depot, and they run about $15 a package.

Many have asked how it’s held up near the sink, and it’s GREAT! I used semi gloss paint on beadboard, and it’s sealed really well. I can wipe water right off. I was a little concerned before I installed it, but now have no worries about having the beadboard near the sink.

I shared my hatred of evil laundry, and since our dryer is on the fritz, I drooled over one of these:front loader

You all were SO helpful! The great majority of you love your front loaders, but those who don’t passed along some important info we’ll consider when buying a new washer and dryer set.

There were so many great suggestions on trying to get our current dryer to work – all we had tried, unfortunately. Bummer. One of those was to really clean out the lint trap, which is a good tip to pass along. It looks like it’s clean, but you need to use dish soap and a bristle brush to clean it out. You want water to run right through it.

Overall, nothing we tried worked, so the repair guy is coming tomorrow because the mounds of laundry are taking over!! Ahhhh!!

Every now and again I like to share what I’ve learned about blogging, and this month I talked about the importance of leaving comments:


It really, really will bring more readers to your site! Try it out!

A couple of weekends ago, two girlfriends and I headed out to my favorite city in the world – the fabulous New York City!:

We went for the last of the NKOTB concerts (at least for a while?). I forgot to mention that the concert that weekend was the BEST one EVER. I’m not even kidding. Those Boston boys men know how to entertain!!

OH, and I forgot to tell you something wonderful!! I’ve mentioned before that there is a fabulous old Italian woman who used to sit outside our favorite restaurant in Little Italy:

Her name was Lucy, and for years, every time we’d go, she’d be there. Our last trip she was nowhere to be found and we had assumed her time had come (she’s got to be in her 90’s!). So when I was there, I just had to ask our waiter about her.

Well he looked at me weird when I mentioned her name, and I almost teared up, thinking the worst. But he was just surprised I knew who she was – and Lucy is alive and well! :) She had just walked out right before we came in that afternoon, and he was hoping she’d return in time so I could say hello, but I never got the chance.

I was SO happy to hear that the pasta and wine (Lucy swears that’s the key to a long, healthy life) are still working!! :)

The peeps at Silhouette sent me a craft cutter to try out, and one to give away to one of you Squeezies!! For my first project, I made a stinkin’ adorable herb crate out of a thrift store find:herb crate

And later that week I fed my labeling obsession:

And it felt gooooood.  ;)

Last week I shared my cutie American flag door decor:

It was less $10 and took less than an hour to make, start to finish. I love seeing it as we drive up! :)

Many of you commented on my flower growing skills and I must say, I have little to do with the gorgeous petunias. :) I give props to Mother Nature for that one – the petunias just love the water!! (And it’s rained like the Pacific Northwest here lately!)

And finally…the beautiful pink/coral/aqua/turquoise cake, for your enjoyment:

It really is pretty darn good. :) If you want to try it out, check out the comments first. I used gel coloring, (not the icing stuff), but many of you bakers shared your favorites products that work much better – I’ll be sure to try them out next time!!

I had some fantastic giveaways this month from My Design Guide, The Pumpkin Patch, American Express and of course, Silhouette!

And I have to send out a big fat thank you to my advertisers for this month:

Bomobob’s beautiful photography:

Dimples and Dandelions boutique with adorable decor and clothing:

Photo Jewelry Making carries everything you could need:

My Design Guide can help you with design dilemmas big and small:

Well, that’s the month of June in review peeps! Thanks for coming along for the ride and welcome to the party if you’ve just joined us!  ;)

I’ll be back with the update on the kitchen…stay tuned.

Ideas económicas para el dormitorio

Ideas económicas para el dormitorio primaveral

Con el cambio de estación, y el arribo de la primavera, llega el momento de olvidarse de los colores apagados, las telas pesadas y el encierro, y hay que abrir el dormitorio a la luz, los colores y la renovación.

Hacer de tu recámara un espacio primaveral requiere de más ingenio que dinero.

He aquí algunas claves para montar un dormitorio primaveral con nada más que tu imaginación.

1. Todo alrededor de la cama

Que el color de las paredes, las cortinas y el mobiliario se encuentren en el cubrecamas. Opta por los estampados alegres y coloridos, en donde los colores del ambiente se vean representados, con preferencia en una gama más brillante.

De este modo lograrás un conjunto más integrado… con nada más que el cubrecamas.

2. Usa colores brillantes

Ante un sol generoso, colores brillantes que difundan la luz y hagan más luminoso al espacio.

Prefiere las telas más arrugadas, de hilos bastos y rica texturas, para añadir personalidad, y matizar el reflejo de la luz.

El equilibrio al diseñar un cuarto

El equilibrio al diseñar un cuarto para adolescente

Un cuarto adolescente, como dijimos debe estar decorado con muebles funcionales, dónde se les permita con gran facilidad mantener el orden, y dónde no pueden faltar las combinaciones de colores estridentes, y brillantes.

En este cuarto podemos observar como se combinaron diferentes motivos, y cabe destacar que es muy importante considerar las dimensiones de los estampados, para que estén a tono con el resto de la decoración y las dimensiones del cuarto.

De esta manera, podemos otorgar visualmente un efecto de grandeza y amplitud, por otro lado en esta paleta de colores naranjas y marrones, conseguimos así el toque colorido y natural, sin recurrir a elementos rústicos y permitiendo una absoluta modernidad en el diseño.

Para equilibrar tanto derroche de colores, nada mejor que optar por un cortinado en color blanco, o en una tonalidad clara, que le permitirá suavizar el tono de las paredes, y además nos dará el toque informal y distinguido que por lo general a los adolescentes les encanta.

Consejos para decorar un baño pequeño

Todos sabemos el cuarto de baño con el que soñamos, sale a veces en las películas y cuenta con una bañera gigantesca, ventanas por las que entra la luz a raudales y mucho espacio. Por lástima, ese cuarto de baño no cabe en nuestra casa, pero ese no es motivo para desanimarse.

Con una buena distribución es posible convertir un baño pequeño y oscuro en una sala funcional, agradable y también moderna.

¿Cómo? Aquí van algunos consejos que te ayudarán a optimizar el espacio y a agrandar visualmente la habitación.

1. La iluminación

Muchos cuartos de baño no cuentan con ventanas, por lo que toda la luz tiene que ser artificial. Apuesta por una iluminación potente a base de halógenos de luz amarilla. Los apliques del espejo, mejor en los laterales que sobre el espejo (pues si no se crean sombras). También es buena idea colocar apliques en la zona de la ducha.

2. Los colores

Para no causar agobios son mejores los colores neutros, que no cansan, y se pueden ver matizados por los complementos. Decorar con dos colores (parte baja, parte alta), es una buena idea, y no olvides que la parte superior y el techo deben ser siempre de un color claro.

Los colores frescos, como el verde o el azul, también aportarán una sensación de calma y relax, y por extensión, de espaciosidad.

3. Ducha mejor que bañera

Es obvio el por qué ¿no? Si antes conseguías meter una bañera en tu cuarto de baño al sustituirla por una ducha ganarás mucho espacio. Las duchas que puedes ver debajo son de Albatros.

4. Cristal

Utilizar manparas de cristal en la ducha es una forma de apostar por la claridad en el baño, eso sí, siempre con tratamiento antical. También son una buena opción para separar espacios si, por ejemplo, tienes el baño junto al dormitorio.

5. Nuevos materiales

El baño puede ser decorado con algo más que azulejos, como con vidrios lacados o piezas grandes de granito o mármol, que prescinden de juntas y dan amplitud.

6. Revestimientos a media altura

No hace falta alicatar hasta el techo, de hecho, en un baño pequeño eso contribuye a la sensación de agobio. Puedes optar por revestir la zona de aguas y dejar el resto de media altura. El baño así, resultará más cálido.

7. Organización del espacio

Todo depende, por supuesto, del tamaño del baño y de su forma, pero hay determinadas pautas que podemos seguir.

En los baños alargados, una buena idea es organizar todos los muebles en línea y dejar un espacio libre enfrente.

En los baños cuadrados es mejor la decoración en forma de U pues permite aprovechar mejor el espacio.

8. Libertad de movimientos

Limita los accesorios del baño al mínimo necesario, o te sentirás incómod@ chocando -aunque sea visualmente- con multitud de objetos. Una sóla alfombra (y pequeña) será suficiente. El cesto de la ropa sucia mejor déjalo en otra habitación. Evita los armarios voluminosos.

9. Muebles volados

Los muebles volados dan mayor ligereza al cuarto. Un lavabo volado ocupa poco espacio, y puedes colocar debajo una papelera o un cesto. El lavabo de la foto que sigue es de Gala.

10. Soluciones de almacenaje

Lo de limitar los accesorios al mínimo está muy bien, pero la cruda realidad es que necesitamos meter las cosas en algún sitio. Un armario de poca profundidad, pero que llegue hasta el techo, permitirá aprovechar el espacio hacia arriba, lo ideal es hacerlo a medida. Si hay posibilidad de hacer un armario empotrado, no lo dudes, es la solución definitiva, y mejor con puertas correderas.

Poner muebles suspendidos al lado del espejo del lavabo también puede ser una opción. Las puertas de cristal en los muebles contribuirá a darles menos densidad.

Lev ut i stugan

Bild: Living Etc
Hemma vill de flesta ha struktur och ordning, bra förvaring och en hyfsat neutral färgskala. Men är det någonstans vi kan ta ut svängarna ordentligt så är det i vårt semesterboende. Själv drömmer jag om en stuga -att inreda lite "kitschigt", som på bilden. Udda lampor med roliga skärmar, rustika bord, härliga färger på väggar, kuddar och skåpsluckor, pinnstolar (...gärna prickiga) ...listan kan göras lång. Se hur läckert de sparat allmoge-stilen i luckorna och målat vitt omkring.
Tips; Inred stugan med personliga möbler. Lägg snygga täcken och uppdatera soffan med nya kuddar. Sy gärna själv om du har textilier liggandes hemma. Mixa och matcha färger och mönster!!! Låt det bli en plats där du trivs, där du kan finna lugn och återhämta dig från vardagsstressen. En grej kan vara att låta mindre värdefulla möbler ta plats, det gör inget om det blir lite naggat i hörnen eller om barnen sätter gaffeln i matbordet. Låt det vara lite "rörigt" och lägg tiden på det som är viktigt för just dig.

Fortsatt trevlig sommar!
Kram Sofie

Slarvigt snyggt!

Ibland är det svårt att förstå att det kan bli riktigt snyggt när det ser så där slarvigt och oorganiserat ut. Men om man har en enhetlig stil och en mild och konsekvent färgskala går det hur bra som helst att inte vara så ordningsam. Det ser ändå snyggt och harmoniskt ut. Bilder från fotograf John Dummer.

RTA signs contract with DHL to provide parcels & documents postal services at Dubai Metro stations

RTA signs contract with DHL to provide parcels & documents postal services at Dubai Metro stations

The service is open for use by organizations and individuals, aims to support economic activity

Dubai – United Arab Emirates: The Roads & Transport Authority (RTA) has signed a contract with DHL, a giant global provider of postal services, whereby the company will provide postal services including parcels and documents through the post system known as Packstations at the Dubai Metro stations, thus making Dubai the first city in the region and second worldwide, after Germany, to introduce this type of postal services.

RTA will allocate spaces at the Dubai Metro Stations to install DHL’s parcels and documents postal system initially at Khalid bin Al Waleed station and Deira City Center station and the service is set to cover other metro stations later on, according to Adnan Al Hamadi, CEO of RTA Rail Agency.

“RTA has signed a one-year contract, renewable, with DHL in June and the system will start tentative operation in mid July such that these postal units will be fully operational next September. This service, which is the first of its kind in the region, enables Dubai Metro commuters to send and receive their parcels through the self-operated machines fixed at the Dubai Metro stations,” added Al Hamadi.

The CEO of Rail Agency continued: “This Agreement comes in the context of RTA assiduous efforts to upgrade its services, stimulate the economic sector in the Emirate, and make the metro, which is one of the most successful mass transit modes in the region, more attractive to the residents and visitors of Dubai Emirate through providing passengers with the services needed during their metro travel. Moreover, this service reflects RTA attention to build sound & sustained strategic partnership with the private sector in the Emirate”.

These postal units, which will be functioning 24-hours a day, are self-operated and the users are required to sign up for the service free of charge to obtain e-cards enabling them to benefit from the service. This sort of machines is currently available in more than 300 German cities, where DHL is deploying more 1500 postal units.

Hamptons puts spotlight on Owners Associations at BBG Real Estate Forum

Hamptons puts spotlight on Owners Associations at BBG Real Estate Forum

Dubai, UAE; June 30, 2010: Hamptons International, a premier property services company with a strong geographic presence in the Middle East and North Africa region, put the spotlight on the role of Owners Associations in the Jointly Owned Properties in Dubai, at the Real Estate Forum organised for members of British Business Group (BBG).

Mr Jeevan J. D’Mello, Senior Director, Emaar Community Management, presented the highlights of the recent regulations outlined by the Dubai Real Estate Regulatory Agency (RERA) under Law No. 27 of 2007 concerning Jointly Owned Properties in the Emirate of Dubai.

A spokesperson of Hamptons International said: “The issuance of the law and recent regulations regarding Jointly Owned Properties is a landmark for the real estate sector in Dubai. It now brings to focus the role that owners play in managing the communities. Organizing a special session for British Business Group was part of our commitment to strengthen awareness of the Law and speed up the process of setting up owners associations in all jointly-owned communities within Dubai.”

In his presentation, Mr D’Mello, a qualified community management expert, explained the definition of the Law, its implications, the functions and powers of Owners Associations, the roles of the Association Manager and the Board of Owners and practical tips for management.

The event is first in a series of property educational initiatives led by Hamptons International and was attended by members of BBG, and non-members as well, representing various economic sectors.

Hamptons International offers the full spectrum of property services including residential property sales, residential and commercial leasing and property management, valuations, research and feasibility studies, and independent mortgage consultancy.

Photo Caption
Mr Jeevan J. D Mello, Senior Director, Emaar Community Management, addresses the Real Estate Forum organised by Hamptons International on Ownership Associations for British Business Group (BBG) in Dubai.

Gorgeous Grisaille!

(down east dilettante)
Grisaille painting and wall papers have always been a love of mine. Grisaille (pronounced "griz eye") is the french word for shades of grey. This monochromatic technique was done both because artists could travel and do the work with out supplies, and the Grisaille painting could be a sample and/or under painting over which pigments could be applied.
Linda Coulter, a wonderful painter explains in her website: This concept was developed many centuries ago when pigments were very scarce. The Old Masters had only a handful of pigments to accomplish their beautiful results so they had to push each individual pigment to its fullest capacity to be able to achieve the luminosity in their art work that made them famous. In those days when pigments were extremely expensive, and it was also a way to save money. A sister to Grisaille is the less known Brunaille - which is in shades of brown. Below are some of my favorite examples.
The first is Martha Stewart's entry hall in her Turkey Hill House. This large mural stopped me in my tracks the first time I saw it . Lovely!
Here a common suburban two story entry turns extraordinary with this hand painted design.(down east dilettante)
This historic house turned museum is in Portsmouth, NH. The Moffat-Ladd house mural is likely Dufour wall paper from early 1900's, which depicts the Bay of Naples. To learn more about this wonderful house click here.

(architect design)

Here antique wall paper panels found at the Louvre are stunning. Read more about them on Architect Design here.

(Cote de Texas via Edie van Breems)

One of my favorite images is from Cote de Texas via Edie van Breems of Libby Holsten's home click here. The curves of Mora clock wonderfully compliment the mural behind it.

I love the room above, though not traditionally Grisaille or Brunaille, the addition of the shades of green and the side panel painting make for a gorgeous wall.

I adore this 18 century hand blocked Grisaille wall paper from Wendy Lewis at the Textile Trunk. You may not be aware of this, but Wendy also has a gorgeous selection of rare antique wallpapers.

This particular piece took my breath away! It is just stunning in shades of cream and gray. I envision it framed in my Living room or Dining room like a rare work of art, or perhaps I could cover a screen with it. Oh the possibilities!
(photos above Textile Trunk)
Though Wendy does not always list every gorgeous paper she has (her wallpapers move fast and are in great demand by her interior designer buyers) send her an email and she will let you know what treasures she has recently found. Click here to contact Wendy.
If you do decide to buy this let me know how you use it. But if its sold by the time you read this, you may end up seeing it in one of my clients homes or even in my own house because I just can't stop thinking about it!!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Many of you know I share the good and the bad on this little ‘ol blog. I have shared my house at it’s worst, as well as many projects I deem “science fairs” (translation = they don’t go well).

Well this one is in the science fair category for sure.

One of the many things I love about blogging is that I will now try things that I may have never attempted, because if it turns out I’ll want to share it with you all. And if it doesn’t turn out, I’ll want to share it with you all.  ;)

Let’s preface the rest of this post by saying I have baked a cake before. Many. You may not believe me after I show you this, but I cross-my-heart-swear I have.


OK, a few weeks ago, someone on twitter sent along a picture of one of the cutest cakes I’ve ever seen – I can’t remember for the life of me where I saw it, but it was an ADORABLE Fourth of July flag cake. Not the regular sheet cake, but one that looks all boring with white icing and then PADOW!, you cut into it and there’s this gorgeous American flag cake.


So I’ve planned for weeks to try this out. And today I did.

And it:

a.) took FOREVER

b.) did not look like the picture

c.) like really, really did not look like the picture

d.) still tasted really good. :)

I figured I was going to have issues when I added the food coloring to the batter:

I needed some of the batter to be red for the red stripes, some white, and some blue for the blue corner of the “flag.”

Ummm…that batter up there? It’s not red. It’s pink. Maybe coral? Not red.

I added a little gel food coloring, then more, then a lot. Still coraly pink. Ohhhhkay.

I trudged on…and it was just one thing after the other. I learned some things this first time around so next year (oh yes, I will try it again!) I’ll remember them.

First tip is to just make all of the cake batter at ONE time, then segment it into five equal parts batter for all of the stripes. You can then color each batch whatever color you need, instead of making separate batches and coloring them as you go.

I did the red pink batter first and baked those cakes. Then I was going to make the white stripes, and put some of the batter aside to make the blue cake I needed. But I lost my mind for a few seconds and put the blue coloring in before I separate them – and then tried to get it out before I mixed it.

It didn’t work.

Hot mess. HOT.

I ran out of cake mix (oh yes, I used box mix!) and found a white Christmas cake mix in the pantry that didn’t expire till next February – SCORE!! I used that for the white layers I needed.

But it was still just a mess. I got whipped icing cause I LOVE WHIPPED ICING and it did not cover the cake well at all – I mean, seriously. Are you kidding me?

I just said forget it, garnished it with some stinkin’ fruit, and from the outside it looked OK:

OK, it was a hot mess. Just humor me.

But when you cut it open, the fruit on top accentuates the clash of the blue/aqua and red/coral/pink:

american flag cake


In the original cake I saw, there were two bottom layers of red and white, then two smaller white and red layers on top next to the blue. I didn’t have room for the top white layer. So my flag is red, white, red. Gah.

To make the flag, the bottom layers are just round cakes. The blue corner is a layer of cake, cut into a ring and placed on top of the other two. The middle two layers (what should be two layers) are the inside circle of two additional cakes. You ice between layers and then piece them together.

It’s just that easy.  :)

When hubby saw it today he was so excited I had made cake!

Then I asked, did you see it, the inside? Do you like it?

“Yeah it’s cute!” (He says just seeing the fruit and white icing. From far away.)

“See the flag inside?”

He steps closer.

“The what?”

“The FLAG.  See the three layers of pink, white, pink and the aqua? It’s an American flag!”


 “Ohhh, yeah. I see it! It’s cute!” (LYING. Because he loves me. And he still wants a slice of cake.)

I must say, the leaning tower of pink and aqua cake is absolutely scrumptious:

It’s not so pretty but ummm umm it’s GOOD!! :)

I have a ton of cake scraps left:


(Uh, is it me, or does it look NEON?)

So tonight I made some itty bitty trifles:

mini trifle

The cutey itty bitty trifle bowls courtesy of WalMart -- $2 each!

Again, I continue to accentuate the pastel tone of the cake with the fruit, but you know what? It’s GOOD! :)

So there you have it – my science fair cake fail. But what do you consider a cake fail – if it looks like a hot mess, or if it tastes like a hot mess?

Maybe it’s not a complete fail? Just a half-way one? I’m going with that.  :)

I’ll be back soon with an update on the kitchen! Kitchen projects I’m pretty good at. Fourth of July cakes – notsomuch.


P.S. The cake was from a blog with the title that was something like 18 and baking, or something like that? If you know of it, let me know! :)

**Thanks! I found it! Click here – this girl is ahhhmazing!!

P.P.S. Many are suggesting gel food coloring and that’s what I used – maybe the whole tube just isn’t enough?  ;) I have no clue – any other ideas?

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It's All About the Kids...

It is isn't it?

I mean, that could be said with a smile or a scowl, depending on the day, the mood or the moment.
And I have experienced the gamut in just the short week since summer break started.
I have discovered that working from home, surrounded by kids and the noises of summer, is REALLY hard. That I may have to shift my thinking and my schedule: working only at night, after everyone is in bed. Because writing creative thoughts for two magazines, while fielding endless questions, supervising swimming, and running a taxi service and an ice-cream stand really doesn't mesh.

Not that I'm complaining (well, maybe a little...). Because if anyone writes me and tries to tell me that there aren't growing pains associated with having the kids home for summer, well, they are too organized or saintly to be my pal. Just being honest...

And because the internet can be a very bad influence on me (for example, I cleaned my oven the other day just because a Facebook friend said she was cleaning hers), I decided to take inspiration from the lovable Meg (who has really set the bar on being a fun mother, hasn't she?) and made this with my girlie:

(and yes, there is a spelling error: Sunday should read Sundae)

Only you just know that making this list is going to come back and bite me...
As in, "Mummy, we need to do something on the list, so let's have a water balloon fight and make a campfire to make spider hotdogs, K?"
And I will grimace while entertaining thoughts of using that list to start the campfire...

And then, magically, I will get in a groove and loosen up and things will get done and I will reap the reward of all that late night working: sleeping in!

Because that's a summer activity, right?

Must go add it to "The List!"

(Sophie's class picnic...we can scratch that off The List, too!)

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