This porch (above) was styled by Matthew Mead and is on the cover of the current issue of Country Home magazine. Isn't it gorgeous??

Well, the folks over at Country Home magazine have inspired me yet again. You all know I love a front porch, and lately have been putting ours to good use. Whether it's swinging on my porch swing... sipping tea... while watching our kids ride bikes, skateboard... or perhaps trying to hide from them (which never works...they always find us) or simply perching on the front step and watching the world go by, it is a happy spot to be.
Mine is not yet complete. We still have a privacy issue to deal with, we have plans for some great planters in which to grow my favourite flowers, and I still need to paint the floor of the porch. Still, the necessary components exist: a good swing, lanterns on a dimmer, and the perfunctory white wicker chairs to sit and relax in. Because really...isn't that what a front (or back) porch is all about??

all photos: Country Home magazine
My porches.........old,
and new. The one above was taken last year. I will take a new photo after I do my "updates."