Many thanks to those who participated in the contest I co-sponsored with Ki Nassauer of Junk Revolution. We had some great entries, both through this blog and via email. Who knew such creativity could be expressed through some junk and a pumpkin or two? Ki, that's who... and the talented ladies who took part in this challenge.
The first place prize ($100 gift certificate to Ki's online store) goes to: Terri at Paint 'n' Thread. This pumpkin has personality!!
Second place ($50 gift certificate) goes to the super talented Margo/Robolady of Margo's Junkin' Journal :

Third place ($25 gift certificate) goes to Diane Mazur, who emailed us this entry (what a lot of work!!):
The following are the winners of the random prize draw (they each win a $25 gift certificate to Junk Revolution's online shop):
Primtiques and Poetry and her fun entries (my favourite is the greyish-white pumpkin):

Linda Crispell, a very talented artist who junked up her pumpkin with old bottlecaps:
**So, ladies, please send me your email addresses (to linda@restyledhome.ca) , and I'll hook you up with Ki and she will look after getting your prizes to you. Congratulations!!