I squealed with glee! (Really, I did. Out loud.) It didn't matter if it was $30, I was gonna get it. But it was only $10. Scha-wing!!
So this weekend, we welcomed Squishy to our family:
To start, take all the innards out of the gumball machine. This takes about ten seconds. Next, take the globe to a glass cutter to get a piece cut the size of the bottom. Mine was $3 and it took them five minutes:
This is the view from the side (the aqua-colored piece around the bottom is what I glued on):
It has to dry for 48 hours, and then you can test it to make sure there are no leaks. After that, just fill with the fun stuff!
I used two packets of blue and green glass for $1.99 each, an a plant for $4:
I always wanted a fish for our son, and knew this was the only way to do it. With three cats in this house, fishy-fishy needs to be covered. Betta fish are different and can survive with less oxygen, and they tend to jump out of their homes (?!) so a cover is recommended.
This weekend we watched Finding Nemo, and it had me feeling major mommy-fish guilt about keeping this guy in a bowl. (Sheesh.) But it's one of my favorite kiddo movies, and the Squishy part is freaking hilarious, so I shall call him Squishy:
And over a gallon of water is better than the cup they have them in in the store, right? I saved him, he's not in captivity. :)
Adorable. The pictures just don't do this justice. And the machine is a pretty deep red, not blaring orange red like in these I-took-these-pictures-at-night-and-they-always-look-like-crap pictures.
I am so excited for the winners of giveaway!! The winner of Beki's necklace is Beth Kohne and the winner of Bob's print is Molly from All about a girl and two boys. (Picked by Random.org.) Please e-mail me with your information and I'll get it to Beki and Bob!
P.S. Countdown to the NKOTB concert is ON BABY!!! WOOOeeee!!!