1. Does it make me a bad mother if I book a hair appointment for my daughter during school hours?
2. Does it make me a really bad mother if, on the way, I buy her a Cafe Mocha, albeit decaffeinated??
3. This display of compassion and sharing made me so happy and sad: the look of such a hungry child looking so earnestly into her eyes...I don't know how she didn't crumble into a sobbing mess, knowing that his own mother cannot give him what he so desperately needs. Heartbreaking and heartwarming...
4. I'm sorry, but I just can't get past this: do most of you really spend just four seconds scanning each blog? Because I don't. I may not get around to as many blogs a day as I'd like to, but I certainly give more than four seconds to those I visit. Unless, of course, they haven't posted new material since my last visit!!
I need to know. And if it's true, I apologize for my run-on posts...and I had better start taking and finding more pictures!!!!!!