As much as I enjoy creating, I am more of an occasional crafter. Holidays, special events, days when I feel guilt creeping up my neck when I realize my daughter hasn't painted in ages (and you all know why...shame on me). Although I profess to wanting her to exercise her creative muscles, I often fail to set the scene. More guilt...
This past weekend offered up the perfect chance to dust off the scissors, glitter and (gasp!) sewing needle. All of the boys went out of town for a basketball tournament; thus Sophie and I had the house gloriously all to ourselves. The lack of routine (and mess) that offers up has a way of relaxing women, young and old. While technically we missed them, we wasted not a moment in doing girly things and getting our creative groove going again.
So, this is what we got up to:
Yep, that's faux snow...made using this product:
(which you can usually find at your local florist or craft shop)
One of my absolute favourite websites is Rachel's
One Pretty Thing. Except that title is a bit of a misnomer as there are heaps of lovelies plucked from blog land and beyond, handpicked by Rachel, all meant to inspire even the most non-crafty amongst us. After having a good perusal of Rachel's site I settled on these fakes:

Yes indeed! Those are felt doughnuts, which I found using this link from Rachel. Aren't they adorable? The above link offers up a wonderful tutorial, and the site is definitely worth checking out! I planned on making a dozen, reduced that number down to six, but decided three was even better. I was never much of a seamstress...
Moving on, we then made some hand-made Valentines for Sophie's classmates, using some supplies from the Dollar Store and some of my long-neglected scrap-booking supplies. More guilt...

For someone who couldn't wait to get started, she was only too happy to hand much of the work over to me. Maybe I shouldn't be feeling so much guilt?
We capped the evening off with a bit of dancing (hers, not mine), and she wore her favourite play shoes (ladies size 5, bought by my sister).
She walks amazingly well in them, and her clickety-clacking can be heard throughout the house, whenever she is inside. More proof?
There are no fake high-heels in her life!!