Sooooo have you been decluttering?? Organizing? Cleaning?
Huh? Have you?
I have! I have! Whoooeee I love it! I wish they could make a pill that makes me feel like I do when I've filled numerous trash bags full of CRAP and removed them from our house.
Luuuuv it!
I'm completely done with two rooms, about halfway done with about six. (The whole room by room thing is thrown out the window this year -- I have decluttering ADD.) In honor of our bedroom being completely clean and decluttered, I have done something shocking. You won't believe it.
I've made the bed two days in a row.
Shut up, I know!
I love our bedroom, and now that's is sparkling clean, I wanted to show it to you again. Those of you who have been with me or have looked back have already seen it here. I haven't changed anything in here, so you all can go ahead and take a nap right now...I even took new pictures. Duh. Why?
Anyway, here it is...with more details. I redid the room for less than $350.
The bedding was $25 plus shipping. I swear. For the duvet, two king shams and two throw pillows:
Our favorite part of the room is our fireplace. I wish I could find the before picture. Just imagine coral/peachy big tiles. Just imagine gross. I found the mosaic tiles and realized I wouldn't need much of them since the 12 x 12 tiles could be cut up -- so we ended up only needing eight or nine of the mosaics and the slate hearth was only $24 (less than $2 each tile):
Wait! I found the before! Notice that I had only painted two walls in this room -- the fireplace wall and the striped wall behind the bed. I finished the painting job for free -- the paint was waiting on me in the garage for a couple years:

I know I keep saying it, but I swear I'll show you how I made the artwork soon:
I love the colors in the tiles. So pretty, so neutral, so me:
I made the drapes forever ago, back when the room was more purpley. (The before is below.) I was going to redo them, but turns out I love the purple with the green walls. So they stay:

Argh! My nemesis! CORDS!! I try to hide them but hubby has so many dang things to plug in, I don't even know what they all are! Gah, I can't stand these things.
Get to throwing that crap OUT!